- Politica de cookies
- Ce sunt cookie-urile?
- Ce fac cookie-urile?
- De ce utilizam cookie-urile?
- Ce tipuri de cookie-uri exista si ce tipuri utilizam?
- Importanta cookie-urilor
- Contin cookie-urile date cu caracter personal?
- Stergerea cookie-urilor
- Securitate si probleme legate de securitate
- Cum se pot controla/ sterge cookie-urile?
- Date de contact
1. Politica de cookies
Prezenta politica va informeaza cu privire la cookie-urile implementate pe website-ul www.euw-romania.ro, apartiand Asociatiei EUROPEAN UNION OF WOMEN ROMANIAN SECTION (denumita in continuare ”EUW-RO”), cu sediul in Romania, Bucuresti, Sector 4, BD. Tineretului nr. 55, bl. 66, et.7, sc.B, ap.67, camera 1, avand cod de identificare fiscala 47352364 conform certificatului de înregistrare fiscală seria A nr.1127405 din data de 21.12.2022, emis de ANAF.
De fiecare data cand vizitati site-ul www.euw-romania.ro vom colecta automat urmatoarele categorii de date cu caracter personal: adresa IP, browserul pe care il folositi, versiunea browserului si sistemul de operare.
Cookie-urile noastre nu retin date cu caracter personal de tipul numelui sau prenumelui dumneavoastra, adresei de e-mail sau detaliilor bancare.
Aceasta politica se completeaza cu Politica de Confidentialitate EUW-RO cu privire la protectia datelor personale, pe care o puteti consulta accesand urmatorul link: (…).
2. Ce sunt cookie-urile?
In vederea functionarii corespunzatoare, majoritatea website-urilor necesita colectarea unor informatii de baza de la utilizatori. Un website va crea anumite fisiere numite Cookie-uri (care sunt, in realitate, fisiere text mici create pe dispozitivele utilizatorilor folosite pentru a naviga pe pagina respectiva). Aceste Cookie-uri sunt create pentru a permite Site-ului sa-si recunoasca utilizatorii si vizitele subsecvente sau sa autorizeze alte Site-uri sa recunoasca acesti utilizatori pentru un scop anume definit.
Pentru mai multe informații despre cookies, va invitam sa consultati www.allaboutcookies.org.
3. Ce fac cookie-urile?
Cookie-urile indeplinesc mai multe roluri in scopul de a face experienta navigarii pe internet rapida si interactiva. Spre exemplu, sunt folosite pentru a memora preferintele navigarii pe Site-ul vizitat, pentru a furniza un continut conform preferintelor dumneavoastra si pentru a va ajuta cu privire la navigarea paginilor.
Refuzarea sau dezactivarea Cookie-urilor nu inseamna ca nu veti mai primi comunicari comerciale in online, ci doar ca aceastea nu vor mai putea tine cont de preferintele si interesele dumneavoastra, evidentiate prin comportamentul de navigare.
4. De ce utilizam cookie-urile?
Cookie-urile utilizatorilor site-ului www.euw-romania.ro sunt folosite pentru mai multe scopuri, printre care:
- funcționarea optima a platformei noastre online;
- monitorizarea performantei Site-ului;
- înregistrarea numărului de utilizatori simultani;
- analizarea vizitatorilor si comportamentului acestora;
- analizarea furnizorilor de publicitate;
- publicitate pe Site-urile partenerilor.
5. Ce tipuri de cookie-uri exista si ce tipuri utilizam?
Numarul, denumirea, tipul, scopul si durata cookie-urilor plasate pe Site-ul EUW-RO pot varia.
Vom depune toate diligentele necesare pentru a actualiza periodic politica noastra de cookies si de prelucrare a datelor, in scopul de a va informa in mod corespunzator.
Website-ul nostru foloseste doua tipuri de Cookie-uri: per sesiune si fixe.
Cookie-urile per sesiune sunt fisiere temporare ce raman în terminalul utilizatorului pana la terminarea sesiunii sau închiderea aplicatiei (browser-ului web). Cookie-urile fixe raman pe terminalul utilizatorului pe o perioada determinata de parametrii cookie-ului sau pana sunt sterse manual de catre utilizator.
Cookie-urile fixe le includ si pe cele plasate de un alt website decat cel pe care il viziteaza utilizatorul la momentul respectiv – cunoscute sub numele de “third party cookies” (cookies plasate de terti) – care pot fi folosite in mod anonim pentru a memora interesele unui utilizator, astfel incat sa fie livrata publicitate cat mai relevanta pentru acesta.
Pe platforma noastra se regasesc urmatoarele module cookie pe care noi si tertele persoane le folosim pe website: Module Cookie Necesare, Module Cookie Statistica, Module Cookie de Marketing.
Cookies necesare ne ajuta sa facem site-ul utilizabil prin activarea functiilor de baza, precum navigarea in pagina si accesul la zonele securizate de pe website. Site-ul nu poate functiona corespunzator fara acest tip de cookies.
Cookies statistice ne ajuta sa intelegem cum interactioneaza utilizatorii paginii noastre, iar prin intermediul acestora informatiile prelucrate la momentul navigarii pe website sunt colectate in mod anonim, fara a putea conduce la identificarea utilizatorului.
Nu in ultimul rand, cookie-urile de marketing au scopul de a urmari activitatile si comportamentul vizitatorilor website-ului, cu scopul de a le furniza acestora publicitate relevanta si atractiva.
Site-ul www.EUW-Ro.ro utilizeaza cookies avand urmatoarele caracteristici:
Datele sunt pastrate in Romania. |
Folosit pentru a se distinge intre oameni si bots. Acest lucru este benefic pentru site-ul web, pentru a putea face rapoarte valabile pe acesta. |
Sesiune |
visited |
Datele sunt pastrate in Romania. |
Statistica |
1 zi |
doubleclick.net Datele sunt pastrate in Satele Unite. |
Marketing |
1 an |
test_cookie |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
1 zi
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
179 zile |
yt-remote-cast-installed |
youtube.com Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
Sesiune |
yt-remote-connected-devices |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
Fixe |
yt-remote-fast-check-period |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Markeiting |
Sesiune |
yt-remote-session-app |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
Sesiune |
yt-remote-device-id |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
Sesiune |
yt-remote-session-name |
Datele sunt pastrate in Statele Unite. |
Marketing |
Sesiune |
6. Importanta cookie-urilor
Cookie-urile reprezinta punctul central al functionarii eficiente a Internetului, ajutand la generarea unei experiente de navigare prietenoase si adaptate preferintelor si intereselor fiecarui utilizator.
Refuzarea sau dezactivarea cookieurilor poate face unele site-uri imposibil de folosit.
Refuzarea sau dezactivarea cookie-urilor nu inseamna ca nu veti mai primi publicitate online, ci doar ca aceasta nu va mai putea tine cont de preferintele si interesele dumneavoastra evidential prin comportamentul de navigare.
Exemple de intrebuintari importante ale cookieurilor (care nu necesita autentificarea unui utilizator prin intermediul unui cont):
- Continut si servicii adaptate preferintelor utilizatorului – categorii de produse si servicii;
- Oferte adaptate pe interesele utilizatorilor – retinerea parolelor;
- Retinerea filtrelor de protectie a copiilor privind continutul pe Internet (optiuni family mode, functii de safe search);
- Limitarea frecventei de difuzare a reclamelor – limitarea numarului de afisari a unei reclame pentru un anumit utilizator pe un site;
- Furnizarea de publicitate relevanta pentru utilizatori;
- Masurarea, optimizarea si caracteristicile de analytics – spre exemplu confirmarea unui anumit nivel de trafic pe un website, ce tip de continut este vizualizat si modul cum un utilizator ajunge pe un website (ex. prin motoare de cautare, direct, din alte website-uri etc). Website-urile deruleaza aceste analize a utilizarii lor pentru a imbunatati site-urile in beneficiul userilor.
7. Contin cookie-urile date cu caracter personal?
Cookie-urile in sine nu solicita date cu caracter personal pentru a putea fi utilizate si, in cele mai multe cazuri, nu identifica personal utilizatorii de internet. Datele personale colectate prin utilizarea Cookie-urilor pot fi colectate doar pentru a facilita anumite functionalitati pentru utilizator. Astfel, datele sunt criptate intr-un mod care face imposibil accesul persoanelor neautorizate la ele.
8. Stergerea cookie-urilor
In general, o aplicatie folosita pentru accesarea paginilor web permite salvarea Cookie-urilor pe terminal in mod implicit. Aceste setari pot fi schimbate in asa fel incat administrarea automata a Cookie-urilor sa fie blocata de browserul web sau utilizatorul sa fie informat de fiecare data cand Cookie-uri sunt trimise catre terminalul sau. Informatii detaliate despre posibilitatile si modurile de administrare a Cookie-urilor pot fi gasite in zona de setari a aplicatiei (browser-ului web). Limitarea folosirii Cookie-urilor poate afecta anumite functionalitati ale paginii web.
9. Securitate si probleme legate de securitate
Cookie-urile folosesc formate exclusiv tip text si nu sunt alcatuite din bucati de cod, motiv pentru care nu pot fi executate, nici nu pot auto-rula. In consecinta, nu se pot duplica sau replica pe alte retele pentru a se rula sau replica din nou.
In general, browserele au integrate setari de confidentialitate care furnizeaza diferite nivele de acceptare a Cookie-urilor, perioada de valabilitate si stergere automata dupa ce utilizatorul a vizitat un anumit Site.
Alte aspecte de securitate legate de Cookie-uri:
Deoarece protectia identitatii este foarte valoroasa si reprezinta dreptul fiecarui utilizator de internet, este indicat sa se stie ce eventuale probleme pot crea Cookie-urile. Pentru ca prin intermediul lor se transmit, in mod constant, in ambele sensuri informatii intre browser si website, daca un atacator sau persoana neautorizata intervine in parcursul de transmitere a datelor, informatiile continute de Cookie pot fi interceptate.
Alte atacuri bazate pe Cookie implica setari gresite ale Cookie-urilor pe servere. Daca un website nu solicita browserului sa foloseasca doar canale criptate, atacatorii pot folosi aceasta vulnerabilitate pentru a induce in eroare browserele in a trimite informatii prin intermediul canalelor nesecurizate. Atacatorii utilizeaza apoi informatiile in scopuri de a accesa neautorizat anumite Site-uri. Este foarte important sa fiti atenti in alegerea metodei celei mai potrivite de protectie a informatiilor personale.
10. Cum se pot controla/ sterge cookie-urile?
Ar trebui sa aveti in vedere ca orice setari de preferinta vor fi pierdute daca stergeti Cookie-urile si multe functionalitati vor fi ingreunate din acest motiv. Nu recomandam sa faceti acest lucru cand folositi site-ul. Majoritatea browserelor accepta Cookie-urile automat, dar puteti sa schimbati setarile din browser pentru a sterge sau preveni acceptarea automata a Cookie-urilor.
Vizitati sectiunile de „optiuni”, „setari” sau „preferinte” din meniul browserului pentru a schimba setarile, sau vizitati urmatoarele adrese pentru mai multe informatii:
- Setari de Cookie-uri pentru Internet Explorer;
- Setari de Cookie-uri pentru Mozilla Firefox;
- Setari de Cookie-uri pentru Google Chrome;
- Setari de Cookie-uri pentru Safari.
11. Date de contact
Pentru informatii suplimentare sau pentru a va exercita drepturile, in calitate de persoana vizata, asa cum ele sunt descrise in Politica de Confidentialitate, pe care o puteti regasi accesand link-ul: (…), ne puteti contacta in orice moment la urmatoarea adresa postala Bucuresti, Bld. Tineretului nr.55, camera 1, bl.66, sc.B, etaj 7, ap. 67, sector 4 sau la adresa de corespondenta electronica office@euw-romania.ro .
* Daca este necesara o schimbare a prezentei Politici de Cookie-uri, EUW-RO. va publica respectivele modificari pentru a asigura o informare corecta si completa vizitatorilor, utilizator si clientilor.
- Information on the Personal Data Controller
- Definitions
- Categories of personal data processed
- Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data
- Duration of processing of personal data
- Transfer of personal data
- Links, hyperlinks, third-party websites
- Rights of data subjects
- Final provisions
1. Information on the Personal Data Controller
For the EUROPEAN UNION OF WOMEN ROMANIAN SECTION (hereinafter referred to as “EUW-RO”), the confidentiality of your personal data is of particular importance. To this end, we have drawn up this commitment to respect the confidentiality of your data, explaining which categories of personal data EUW-RO collects, as well as how such data are used and the purpose for which they are subject to processing operations.
This Policy relates only to your personal data that EUW-RO processes through the website www.euw-romania.ro. We want to assure you that all necessary measures have been taken at the Company level to ensure the confidentiality of your data, which is processed only by EUW-RO staff trained and authorised to process personal data.
The Controller that processes your personal data when you browse the online platform www.euw-romania.ro is the Association EUROPEAN UNION OF WOMEN ROMANIAN SECTION (hereinafter referred to as “EUW-RO”), based in Romania, Bucharest, Sector 4, BD. Tineretului nr. 55, bl. 66, floor 7, sc. B, ap. 67, room 1, with Tax Identification Code 47352364 according to the Tax Registration Certificate series A nr.1127405 dated 21.12.2022, issued by ANAF.
For any questions/enquiries regarding the protection of personal data, you are invited to send a request to the postal mailing: Romania, Bucharest, Sector 4, BD. Tineretului nr. 55, bl. 66, floor 7, sc. B, ap. 67, room 1 or to the e-mail address office@EUW-ROmania.ro, with the title “Personal data protection” or “GDPR”.
2. Definitions
- “Personal data” means, for the purposes of national and international legislation in force, any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to their physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
For the purposes of this Policy, the personal data that will be subject to processing may relate to: name, surname, phone number, e-mail address, residence / domicile.
- “Processing of personal data” means any operation or set of operations which is performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as collection, recording, organisation, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure to third parties by transmission, dissemination or otherwise, alignment or combination, blocking, erasure or destruction.
For the purposes of this Policy, data processing refers to those processing operations carried out at the time of your navigation on the website www.EUW-ROmania.ro or the completion of the forms available on the website.
- “Controller” means the person who, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data. For clarity, for the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the Controller is the EUW-RO Association.
- “Data Subject” means the person whose personal data are being processed. For the purposes of this Policy, the data subject is the user of EUW-ROmania.ro.
- “Consent” of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous statement of the data subject’s wishes by which the data subject consents, in an unequivocal statement or action, to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.
- “Third party” means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, the Controller, the Controller’s authorised representative and persons who, under the direct authority of the Controller or the Controller’s authorised representative, are authorised to process personal data.
- “Person authorised by the Controller” means the person who processes personal data on behalf of the Controller.
3. Categories of personal data processed
Browsing the www.EUW-ROmania.ro website involves the processing of two categories of personal data, namely:
- personal data that you voluntarily disclose to the Controller (e.g. via the contact form/e-mail), which is collected on an individual basis;
- data that you provide unintentionally by simply browsing our website.
EUW-RO collects, based on the voluntary provision of the data subject, the following personal data: name and surname (for identification), phone number (for communication), e-mail address (for communication), ID (for identification), address (for identification) and any other categories of personal data that the user can provide to EUW-RO via the contact form/e-mail.
Apart from the data collected through the forms/e-mails available on the website, the Cntroller may process other data of data subjects, on the basis of consent or legitimate interest, including but not limited to: domicile/residence, signature, contact person or representative data of the legal entity, etc. In general, such processing is carried out outside the platform, which is why specific processing rules will apply to them.
As far as the website is concerned, the categories of data processed through it are limited to those listed above.
The Controller may also unintentionally collect other personal data belonging to you, namely your IP address or data that are related to searches made on our website. This information will not be used to identify individuals and will not be made public other than as set out in the Privacy Policy, supplemented by the Cookie Policy.
In certain situations strictly regulated by law, the Controller reserves the right to request additional information from you, accompanied by supporting documents, by e-mail, in printed form or in any other way deemed appropriate by the Controller.
Note: EUW-RO has entered into data processing agreements with affiliated companies, but is not responsible for the processing carried out by these entities on their own behalf, the data subject being duly informed about the processing operations involving a transfer of data between EUW-RO and any affiliated entity.
Your personal data may be disclosed by EUW-RO, in accordance with the law, for processing, to persons authorised to process data, including banks, financial authorities and institutions, courts or competent bodies, at their request and for the purpose of providing EUW-RO services.
4. Purpose and legal basis of the processing of personal data
EUW-RO processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal grounds:
- processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6 paragraph (1) letter b) of Regulation (EU) No 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016), in particular, for the purpose of ensuring the access of the data subject to the services and purpose of EUW-RO, found in the Section “Membership”, respectively “EUW-RO – Membership”, by filling in the forms available on the website;
- processing is carried out on the basis of the consent of the data subjects (Article 6 paragraph (1) letter a) of Regulation (EU) No 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) in the case of the transmission of marketing communications;
- processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller (Article 6 paragraph (1) letter f) of Regulation (EU) No 679/ 2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016) , for the resolution of problems of any kind relating to the content of the website EUW-ROmania.ro and for actions involving interaction with the online platform.
Your personal data will be processed in order for EUW-RO to:
- improve the website and the services provided through it;
- determine the usefulness/popularity of the web content presented on the site;
- send technical, assistance or administrative notifications;
- honour requests and resolve complaints received from users;
- facilitate user access to EUW-RO services and offers;
- communicate information of interest to users of the website;
- protect EUW-RO rights;
The company may make anonymous registrations based on the information you provide, by excluding data that could lead to your identification. The purpose of anonymous registrations is to analyse requests, which will lead to an improvement of our services and navigation on the website.
5. Duration of processing of personal data
Personal data processed at EUW-RO through the website www.EUW-ROmania.ro are retained for a reasonable period of time in relation to the purpose of the data processing, so as not to exceed the period necessary for their processing and in no case more than 3 years from the time of collection.
6. Transfer of personal data
Your data are processed on the territory of the European Union, through secure internal servers.
EUW-RO undertakes that the collected data will only be processed in accordance with the stated purposes and will not make public, sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. unauthorized the database containing information on the data subjects to any third party not involved in the fulfilment of the stated purposes, unless the transfer/access/viewing/etc. is requested by the competent authorities, in cases provided for by the legal regulations in force.
It is possible that your data will be disclosed to other companies that provide services to us and act as our authorized persons, such as suppliers that provide website maintenance services, etc.
These entities are selected with great care to ensure that they comply with specific personal data protection requirements. They have a limited ability to use your information for purposes other than providing services to us.
In addition to the disclosures described in this Privacy Policy, we may disclose information to third parties to whom you consent or request that we make such a disclosure.
7. Links, hyperlinks, third-party websites
The www.EUW-ROmania.ro website may contain links to third-party websites that may collect your personal data, including through Cookies or other technologies. If you link to a third-party website, EUW-RO’s Privacy Policy will not apply to your browsing on that website.
8. Rights of data subjects
Any natural person browsing our website, as a data subject, has the following rights in relation to EUW-RO, as a Personal Data Controller:
- The right of access means the right of the data subject to obtain confirmation from the Controller whether or not it is processing personal data concerning them and, if so, access to that data and to information on how the data are processed.
- The right to rectification refers to the right of the data subject to obtain from the Controller the correction, without undue delay, of inaccurate personal data concerning them, or to have them completed if they are incomplete. These can be amended by sending an e-mail to: office@euw-romania.ro.
- The right to erasure means the right of the data subject to obtain from the Controller the erasure of personal data concerning them without undue delay if one of the following grounds applies: they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or processed; he/she withdraws their consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing; he/she objects to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate grounds; the personal data have been unlawfully processed; the personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation; the personal data have been collected in connection with the provision of information society services.
- Right to restriction of processing. The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller the restriction of the processing where one of the following applies:
- a) the data subject disputes the accuracy of the data for a period which allows the Controller to verify the accuracy of the data;
- b) the processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use;
- c) the Controller no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of processing, but the data subject requests them for establishing, exercising or defending a legal claim; or
- d) the data subject has objected to the processing in accordance with Article 21 paragraph (1) GDPR, for the period of time during which it is verified whether the legitimate rights of the Controller prevail over those of the data subject.
- The right to portability refers to the right to receive personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and the right to have such data transmitted directly to another Controller when the processing is based on consent or performance of a contract and is carried out by automated means, if technically feasible.
- The right to object refers to the right of the data subject to object to the processing of personal data concerning them when the processing is carried out for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or when it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the EUW-RO Controller.
- The right to object to data processing based on automated individual decisions refers to the fact that the data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning the data subject or similarly affects them to a significant extent. However, it will not be possible to exercise this right if the decision is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between the data subject and EUW-RO; is authorised by Union or national law applicable to EUW-RO, provided that it ensures adequate protection of the data subject’s rights, freedoms and legitimate interests; or is based on the data subject’s consent obtained in compliance with applicable law.
In order to exercise the above rights and for further information the data subject may contact the Data Protection Officer of EUW-RO by sending a request via e-mail to office@euw-romania.ro or by sending a request to the address: Romania, Bucharest, Sector 4, BD. Tineretului nr. 55, bl. 66, floor 7, sc. B, ap. 67, room 1 .
The data subject also has the right to lodge a complaint with the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing (Bucharest, B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, zip code 010336; Phone: +40.318.059.211/+40.318.059.212; Fax: +40.318.059.602; E-mail: anspdcp@dataprotection.ro) and the right to apply to the courts.
9. Final provisions
If EUW-RO determines that a change to the Privacy Policy is necessary, we will publish those changes to inform data subjects about the information we collect and how we use it.
The provisions of the Privacy Policy are supplemented by the provisions of the Cookie Policy, which is available on the website www.EUW-ROmania.ro.